Oxford Revise OCR A Level Chemistry Science Answers
Here you’ll find all the answers to the activities and exam-style practice questions featured in Oxford Revise: OCR A Level Chemistry.
Chapter 2: Foundations in Chemistry
Chapter 3: Acid-base and redox reactions
Chapter 4: Electrons, bonding, and structure
Chapter 5: The Periodic Table and periodicity
Chapter 6: Group 2 and the Halogens
Chapter 7: Qualitative analysis
Chapter 8: Enthalpy changes
Chapter 9: Reactive rates and equilibrium
Chapter 10: Core organic chemistry basic concepts
Chapter 11: Hydrocarbons
Chapter 12: Alcohols and haloalkanes
Chapter 13: Organic synthesis
Chapter 14: Analytical techniques (IR and MS)
Chapter 15: Reaction rates and equilibrium
Chapter 16: pH and buffers
Chapter 17: Enthalpy, entropy and free energy
Chapter 18: Redox and electrode potentials
Chapter 19: Transition elements
Chapter 20: Aromatic compounds
Chapter 21: Carbonyl compounds
Chapter 22: Carboxylic acids and esters
Chapter 23: Nitrogen compounds
Chapter 24: Polymers
Chapter 25: Organic synthesis
Chapter 26: Chromatography and spectroscopy
Multiple-choice Questions