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Welcome to Oxford Revise!

Got exams coming up next year? You are in the right place! Welcome to the home of straight-forward revision that works. Oxford Revise has you covered with expert videos, past paper, revision planners, and loads of tips and tricks to make sure every minute you spend revising is effective.

You’ve got this, and Oxford Revise is here to help.

Boy revising

Get started with the Oxford Revise Exam Tutor for Science

Whether you’re taking AQA Combined Science, or Physics, Biology and Chemistry, we’ve got you covered. Let’s go.

image of children clustered around a tablet reading

GCSE Revision

Watch Big Manny show you his top revision tips; from switching between subjects to doing as many past papers as possible. What’s his number one top tip? Watch the video to find out!

Top tips

Girl revising at home

When should I start revising?

The team at Oxford Revise share their revision advice, including when and how to start revising for your GCSE and A Level exams.

Boy revising

Using metacognition in revision

What is metacognition and how can this be used in studying for your GCSE and A Level exams. Find out more with Oxford Revise.

Revision topics

Big Manny Chromatography experiment

How to smash your mocks

Find out why mocks are so important, how to prepare for them and how they can help you in your real exams.

Students revising

How should I revise?

Series Editor Aaron Wilkes is on hand with lots of advice and ideas to make your revision count and get you exam ready.

Past papers: get practising

Practising past papers is a great way to revise for your exams. Here you’ll find recent past papers and mark schemes to help you get through your exams.
